Rachmad Koesoemobroto: fighting for freedom, a life imprisoned
Stories of Indonesian anti-German resistance fighters in the Netherlands, such as the story of Rachmad Koesoemobroto (1914-1997), have to date not attracted much publicity in the Netherlands. Koesoembroto studied in Leiden in the 1930s and became a member of the Perhimpoenan Indonesia (PI). During World War Two he joined the Dutch resistance, together with his wife, and was involved in hiding Jewish children. After the war, he returned to his country of origin to pursue the ideals of freedom he had developed while staying in the Netherlands as well as to continue the battle for an independent Indonesia. He was imprisoned by the Dutch, and later again under Suharto, only to be released in 1981. His story shows the transnationality and continuity in ideas and ideals about freedom. The children of these forgotten Indonesian war heroes are still fighting for the recognition of their fathers in the Netherlands. In this section Anne-Lot Hoek introduces Rachmad Koesoemobroto, about whom she had previously published as a journalist, aiming for more recognition in the Dutch debate over the anti-colonial and anti-German resistance of Indonesians in The Netherlands.
Artist Herman Morssink painted the series ‘Echte Helden’ (Real Heroes) commissoned by the 4&5 May Commité Zuid-Oost in Amsterdam to honour resistance fighters during the German occupation in the Netherlands. Rachmad Koesoemobroto was one of them. He was one of the many Indonesian anti-German resistance fighters, like Rudi Jansz, the father of Ernst Jansz. Source: Website 4&5 May Comité Zuid-Oost.
Murjani Kusumobroto (Surabaya, 1954) recognizes a lot of Sjahrir’s ideas in those of her father, Indonesian nationalist Rachmad Koesoemobroto (1911-1985). As was the case with Sjahrir, his political ideas caused him to spend much of his life in prison. As the son of a Javanese leader, her father studied law in Leiden in the 1930s and, like Sjahrir, he became a member of the Perhimpoenan Indonesia (PI). Whilst living in the Netherlands, he married a Dutch woman. When World War Two broke out in 1940, Koesoemobroto – and with him many other Indonesian PI members like Slamet Faiman and Abdul Madjad Djojoadiningrat – paused his battle for Indonesian independence and joined the Dutch resistance, together with his wife. They were involved in hiding Jewish children. “My father was an antifascist, just like Sjahrir. For him, it did not matter if that fascism was Dutch, German, Japanese or Indonesian,” his daughter says about his decision to join the resistance, during a conversation I had with her in the framework of an interview for an article in De Groene Amsterdammer in 2017.[efn_note]Anne-Lot Hoek, “In naam van Merkeda,” [In the name of Merkeda] De Groene Amsterdammer, August 2, 2017. From interview with Murjani Kusumobroto and Iwan Faiman, Amsterdam, June 7, 2017.[/efn_note] Stories of Indonesians who were active in the Dutch anti-German resistance are fairly untold in the Netherlands. Many Indonesians died for the freedom of the Netherlands, including Irawan Soejono[efn_note]See two blog posts on the website of the Indonesian writer Joss Wibisono [in Indonesian]. One on the life history of Irawan Soejono, and one on the remembrance of Irawan Soejono in Leiden, with a photo of Ernst Jansz who spoke at the meeting.[/efn_note], whose remains were later brought back to Indonesia by Koesoemobroto and his wife.
Rudi Jansz (Batavia, 1915 – Amsterdam, 1965), the father of singer and songwriter Ernst Jansz, was also a member of the anti-German resistance. Jansz was a courier of documents, brought Jewish children to safety, and was imprisoned by the Germans. Although he was fighting for freedom in the Netherlands, the ideal for a free Indonesia was always present. In his book De Overkant Ernst Jansz quotes a letter that his father wrote from the prison to his wife in 1944: “I try as much as possible to be worthy of Christ’s name, your love and my country Indonesia.”[efn_note]Ernst Jansz, De Overkant [The other side] (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer, 1985) 59.[/efn_note] Another important Indonesian PI member in the Dutch resistance was the Javanese Raden Mas Setyadjit Sugondo, who received the pseudonym ‘Sweers.’ Henk van Randwijk, an important figure in the Dutch resistance and editor of the illegal magazine Vrij Nederland (Free Netherlands) was highly impressed by Setyadjit’s personality and political insights. Van Randwijk’s increased interest for the Indonesian independence struggle was influenced by PI members, amongst whom Setyadjit.[efn_note]Gerard Mulder and Paul Koedijk, H.M. van Randwijk: een biografie [H.M. van Randwijk: a biography] (Amsterdam: Raamgracht, 1988) 338.[/efn_note] After the war, Vrij Nederland published articles in favour of Indonesian independence. Famous is Van Randwijks critical words on the frontpage of the magazine at the start of the so-called ‘First Police Action’ against Indonesia in the summer of 1947: “Because I am a Dutchman.” He wrote: “because I am a Dutchman, I say, no! Against violence, which is currently committed by us in Indonesia. By unleashing a colonial war in Indonesia, the Netherlands is committing political folly.”[efn_note]Henk van Randwijk, “Omdat ik Nederlander ben,” [Because I am a Dutchman] Vrij Nederland, July 26, 1947. Later because of its significance, also published by the NRC Handelsblad and De Groene Amsterdammer.[/efn_note]
Some of the children of the Indonesian resistance fighters have been fighting for years to get the deeds of their fathers recognized. One of these dissenting voices is Iwan Faiman, the son of Slamet Faiman. Faiman, Sr. smuggled Jewish children over the Dutch border and arranged false documents. “The heroic deeds of the members of PI have never been recognized,” Faiman, Jr. says. “Even worse – the Netherlands took a hostile position after World War Two because the goal of independence that the PI-fighters pursued was seen as a threat to the Dutch nation.” But their lives were equally marked by war. Faiman says his father’s war past affected the entire family. His father contracted polio during the war and because of his resistance activities he could not get proper medication. “Nevertheless, my father had to struggle for 25 years to get his resistance subvention.” Faiman wants recognition for this forgotten group of freedom fighters. He feels that his voice and that of other relatives remain unheard. “It is about time that we are heard – not only by the government, but by the Netherlands as a whole.”[efn_note]Interview Kusumobroto and Faiman.[/efn_note] Journalist Herman Keppy is one of the few in the Netherlands who has paid attention to this group of Indonesian and Dutch-Indo resistance fighters.[efn_note]See also his website.[/efn_note]
The photo from the Herman Keppy archive shows Rachmad Koesoemobroto on the left with two Jewish sisters Jewish sisters Emi and Miri Freibrunn who were in hiding in the foreground, and his then fiance Nel van den Bergh on the right. When the house was betrayed, Nel van den Bergh was taken prisoner and murdered. The Jewish children survived the war and live in Israel. Rachmad Koesoemobroto later married Nel van de Peppel, was also active in the resistance movement, and who knew Koesoemobroto from his time in Wageningen, where he was head of the PI district. In 1946 they boarded the ship Weltevreden to go to Indonesia, where their seven children were born (personal communication Murjani Kusumobroto).
Fight for independence
After the war, in 1946, Koesoemobroto returned to his country of origin to pursue the ideals of freedom he had developed while staying in the Netherlands as well as to continue the battle for an independent Indonesia. In 1945, Indonesia had declared its independence. The Dutch newspaper Het Parool wrote about the farewell at the harbour of three members of the PI, Eveline Poetiray, Soeripno and Koesoemobroto who returned to Indonesia with the boat ‘Weltevreden.’ Although the Indonesians were happy to return home, it turned out that many friendships had been made, which made the farewell “heavy” according to the newspaper.[efn_note]”Indonesiers keeren naar hun vaderland terug”[Indonesians return to their home country], Het Parool, December 9, 1946.[/efn_note] Ironically enough, the Dutch imprisoned him in Indonesia, as he was a former member of the resistance. When he was interrogated, he denied that he was the famous revolutionary Rachmad Koesoemobroto. “Just as this questioner started to doubt if he had the right person in front of him, a Dutch soldier walked by. He knew Koesoemobroto from their time in the Dutch resistance together and shouted ‘Hey Rachmad, what brings you here?’’ Despite describing the event with much humor afterwards, it was a tough thing,” says Murjani. “He was imprisoned for one and a half years and my mother had to survive on her own. There was no money and she lost an eight-month-old baby. Both of Koesoemobroto’s brothers were shot during the battle for independence, one by the Brits and the other one by the Dutch.”[efn_note]Interview Kusumobroto and Faiman.[/efn_note] The British, as one of the allies, had to protect law and order in the Dutch Indies after the capitulation of Japan, and quite often also got into conflict with the Indonesian resistance, for example at the battle of Surabaya, near the end of 1946.
Koesoemobroto was imprisoned in post-colonial Indonesia. Initially, Sukarno had sent him to the Netherlands to work at the Indonesian embassy in Wassenaar in 1964. When he visited Indonesia shortly after that, there had been a change of power. Sukarno and his government had been deposed, and since Koesoemobroto had been part of that regime, he had to go into hiding for three years. The regime of the Indonesian army and General Suharto murdered tens of thousands of alleged ‘communists’ in 1965 and 1966. Koesoemobroto was betrayed and arrested in 1967. He was released only in 1981. During his imprisonment he was put in front of a firing squad four times, as a form of fake execution, says Murjani. But he never let go of his ideals. “My father could have gotten out of prison earlier via an amnesty ruling that applied to him because he had been part of the resistance, but he wanted to get out of prison only if all his fellow prisoners would be released. That was his political belief; he did not want to be privileged. He also never applied for a Dutch Verzetskruis (badge of honor for resistance activities).”
When he was in prison, Koesoemobroto received the news that one of his children had passed away, the fourteen-year-old sister of Murjani who died in a car accident. “The guards laughed about it. That must have been terribly humiliating for my father.” Despite that, Koesoemobroto always tried to change the beliefs of the younger guards. “One time, the prison had organized an educational trip to a statue of one of the heroes of the independence struggle, who coincidentally was one of Koesoemobroto’s brothers. “Koesoemobroto?” said one of the guards. “Is he related to you?” “Yes”, my father said, “that is my brother. We all fought for the freedom of Indonesia and look how you are treating me right now.’’’[efn_note]Ibid.[/efn_note]
The statue of Lt. Soejitno Koesoemobroto, brother to Rachmad Koesoemobroto, in the middle of the square in Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia. He was remembered as an independence fighter while Koesomoebroto, who fought from for the same ideals, was arrested because of his ties to the Netherlands. Source: Wikipedia
Fight for recognition
Like Sjahrir, Koesoemobroto had to pay for his ideals: he could not see his children grow up. Murjani says: “we did not even know if my father was dead or alive.” After the fatal accident involving Murjani’s sister, the mayor of their hometown Bennekom tracked down Koesoemobroto with help of the Red Cross and Amnesty International. At that moment, he was on the prison island Buru, that had ironically had fulfilled the same function during the Dutch occupation. In his letters to Murjani, he wrote: “The belief that what I stand for is the right thing, keeps me going.” Strikingly enough, she saw the first images of him on the Dutch TV-show Hier en Nu, presented by Catherine Keyl in 1978. Keyl interviewed the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Soebandrio, in the same prison that Murjani’s father was locked up in. The camera team that was with Keyl heard someone shouting from behind a wall, ran towards it and filmed what they saw. “From behind that wall, my father shouted ‘I used to live near the Magere Brug in Amsterdam! Say hi to my daughter!”[efn_note]Ibid and see: Ton Hydra, “Gevangenen en vrije mensen,” [Prisoners and free people] Nieuwe Leidse Courant, April 20, 1978.[/efn_note] Not long after that, he arrived in the Netherlands, severely weakened. He was able to return later to his country of origin as a free man.
Koesoemobroto’s story shows how there was a continuity in ideas and ideals about freedom and a protest voice against the supressing of it that arose in the Dutch Indies, found its way into Dutch society, was lived by in the German-occupied Netherlands, Dutch-occupied Indonesia, and in an independent Indonesia itself. Koesoemobroto fought for a freedom that was inclusive, an ideal that got him imprisoned for life by several regimes. His story and that of others also shows how interrelated Dutch and Indonesian history are, how ideals about freedom were exchanged and how, especially in the memory of the Second World War, little recognition is given to Indonesian resistance.
The story of Koesoemobroto and the stories of many others did not attract much publicity in the Netherlands. These kinds of stories were complicated and did not fit in with the dominant narrative. Murjani has been telling her father’s story for some time now, mostly at primary schools, via the story-telling initiative ‘’Oorlog in mijn buurt’’[War in my neighborhood][efn_note]See the website of the organization In mijn buurt [in Dutch].[/efn_note] in Amsterdam. The 4&5 May Remembrance in Amsterdam, ‘Huizen van verzet’ also often pays attention to this forgotten group.[efn_note]The website [in Dutch] also presents the meeting in 2017 at the Tropenmuseum at which Anne-Lot spoke with Joty Ter Kulve about Sutan Sjahrir and Ernst Jansz spoke about his father. The Tropenmuseum functioned as the headquarters of the Indonesian resistance against the Germans during the Second World War.[/efn_note] When telling her father’s story, Murjani reflects on the traces of colonialism and resistance against it in her own family connecting Dutch and Indonesian history. Murjani and Faiman believe that the way in which history is being taught in Dutch schools does not present a sufficiently broad perspective, since the mainstream curriculum offers little recognition to their fathers. Murjani and Faiman, who were heavily influenced by their fathers’ experiences to fight for human rights, hope that their fathers get recognition in the Netherlands for their role during the war and that their stories contribute to a better understanding of Dutch history in schools today.
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various games on the platform, the security measures in place, and the bonuses and promotions offered to players.
We shall also consider the payment options
available and how to get started with Kiss918 Singapore.
Why Play Kiss918 Singapore?
There are several explanations why you should think
about playing Kiss918 Singapore. Firstly, it offers an array of games that cater
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table games, or live dealer games, you will discover a thing that suits your taste with this platform.
Secondly, Kiss918 Singapore is really a safe and secure platform that uses advanced
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Therefore it is possible to play with satisfaction knowing that your personal information is safe from hackers and cybercriminals.
Thirdly, Kiss918 Singapore offers generous bonuses and promotions to
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These bonuses can significantly increase your chances of winning big on the platform.
Lastly, Kiss918 Singapore provides excellent customer support
to its users. If you encounter any issues while playing on the platform, you can reach out
to their customer support team via live chat or email for assistance.
Games On Kiss918 Singapore:
Kiss918 Singapore supplies a wide variety of games from a few
of the top game developers in the industry. Included in these are Microgaming, Playtech, NetEnt, and Evolution Gaming.
A few of the popular games on the platform include:
1. Slot Games: Kiss918 Singapore comes with an extensive assortment of slot games which come in various themes and variations.
A number of the popular slot games include Mega Moolah, Gonzo’s Quest, Starburst, and Book of Dead.
2. Table Games: If you’re a fan of table games like blackjack, roulette, baccarat, or craps,
you will find several variations of the games on Kiss918 Singapore.
3. Live Dealer Games: For those who prefer a more immersive gaming experience, Kiss918 Singapore offers live dealer games where you can play against real dealers in real-time.
Security Measures:
Kiss918 Singapore takes security seriously and contains implemented several measures to make sure its users’ safety.
The platform uses SSL encryption technology to safeguard
users’ data from unauthorized access or theft. Additionally, it
has strict verification procedures in place to avoid fraud or money laundering activities.
Bonuses and Promotions:
Kiss918 Singapore offers several bonuses and promotions to its players to improve
their gaming experience. These include welcome bonuses for new players who sign up on the platform for
the first time. Additionally, there are deposit bonuses where players receive additional
funds when they make deposits into their accounts.
Cashback offers may also be available where players get a percentage of their losses back as cashback rewards.
Free spins are another popular promotion provided by Kiss918 Singapore where players can spin reels for free without risking their very own money.
Payment Options:
Kiss918 Singapore supports several payment options for deposits and withdrawals.
Included in these are credit/debit cards like Visa and Mastercard, e-wallets like Skrill and Neteller, bank transfers, and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
Getting Started with Kiss918 Singapore:
To get started with Kiss918 Singapore, you have to create an account on their website by providing your individual details
like name, email address, contact number, etc. Once your account is verified, you can make your first
deposit using the supported payment options.
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has shared a positive update one week after undergoing surgery for a sinus infection. The actress, 48, told her
fans last Friday that she was waiting to go to theatre at Aintree
University Hospital, after doctors feared the nasty infection, which saw her end
up in ICU, could ‘reach her brain’.The following day, the former star announced that the surgery had been a ‘huge
success’ and she came bearing more good news for her concerned followers this
weekend. Optimistic: Danniella Westbrook has given fans a positive update a week after undergoing surgery
for a sinus infection which left her in intensive careShe tweeted
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‘the reality is, I have to do a food shop,unpack storage boxes,load a skip
with the junk From the renovation : enjoy the weekend x’.The festive spirit was a far cry from
the previous week’s health scares, as the mother-of-two told her Instagram followers she was ‘so overwhelmed’ prior to surgery.
Worrying times: The actress, 48, told her fans last Friday that she was
waiting to go to theatre at Aintree University Hospital after doctors feared the nasty infection could
‘reach her brain’A source told : ‘Danniella is really poorly.
She ended up in ICU after antibiotics for a sinus infection didn’t work.’Experts were concerned infected mucus
could track back to her brain, but she is being well cared for in hospital and is on the mend.’ The Londoner reassured fans post-surgery, again using her Twitter platform as a means
to keep everyone updated. On the mend:
The former EastEnders star announced that the surgery had been a ‘huge success’ and this
weekend, she came bearing more good news for her concerned Twitter followers ‘It was a huge success’: The Londoner reassured fans post-surgery,
again using her Twitter platform as a means to keep everyone updated
‘Thanks for all the messages of support for my operation. It was a huge success and I’m so happy thank you
to @LivHospitals and the best staff surgical team
and cleanest hospital ever x #NHS #Liverpool,’ she said. Her hospitalisation comes after she vowed to turn her life
around following years of drug abuse and relapsing onto ‘cocaine and champagne’ earlier this
year. The actress’ battle with drugs has been well-publicised, and
she famously had her nose reconstructed after her septum collapsed from excessive cocaine use in 2002.At the height of her use, it was reported she
would take up to five grams of cocaine a day, blowing close to £250,000 on the drug.The star has since embarked on multiple rehab stints in order to battle her demons
– and revealed she was finally clean in June last year,
after attending a clinic in Mijas, Spain.
New look: Danniella’s hospitalisation comes after she vowed to turn her life around following years of drug abuse and relapsing onto ‘cocaine and champagne’ earlier this year
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Referensi Situs Slots Gacor Dapat dipercaya 2023
Tentunya hanya cukup daftar situs slots gacor dapat dipercaya pada tahun 2023 ini saja,
banyak pencinta slots belum juga sangat percaya harus melakukan investasi di blog judi slots yang mana.
Soal ini adalah perihal yang benar-benar lumrah dan sudah terbiasa di lawan beberapa slotter memiliki pengalaman. Maka dari itu,
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Ingat ada begitu banyak penyuplai permainan slots di dunia
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Oleh karena ada reputasi yang baik dari sesuatu pemasok slots online gacor terbaik ini hari, karena itu bisa di pastikan slots yang di kandungan penyuplai itu memiliki bobot.
Sebab itu, Kami bakal menguraikankan dengan cara rinci apa yang butuh banyak slotter pahami
tentang rujukan slots gacor online Kami.
Berikut di bawah ini yakni rinciannya.
1. Situs Slots Gacor Pragmatic Play
Pragmatic play sebagai satu diantaranya provider paling terpenting di
dunia menjadi penyuplai permainan slots meyenangkan dan beri keuntungan .
Sehingga hal itu tak perlu banyak pemain slots tanya kembali kenapa Kami, selaku web judi slots gacor
paling dipercaya ini hari, bekerja bersama dengan Pragmatic Play.
Provider ini telah go-international dengan permainan yang memiliki kualitas serta
udah tercipta secara professional danmenyeluruh.
Tidaklah aneh semuanya slotter di dunia sangatmenyukai
permainan ini. Ditambah lagi Pragmatic Play sendiri pula berani memberi bocoran slots
gacor online malam hari ini dengan periodik hingga si pemain dapat mengais rejeki dengan simpel.
2. Situs Slots Gacor Spadegaming
Spadegaming pun adalah provider yang go-international dengan bermainnya yang sengit serta
membahagiakan. Terkecuali itu semua permainan slots yang Spadegaming menawarkan ini memiliki sifat ramah dengan seluruhnya golongan pencinta slots.
Berarti semuanya permainan yang mereka sajikan ini benar-benar enteng untuk pemain pahami maka buat permainan itu gampang buat mereka mainkan.
Tetapi sudah pasti tidak cuma itu yang provider apik ini menawarkan. Umumnya permainan slots online gacor terpilih yang mereka
menawarkan ini rupanya mempunyai nilai RTP yang lebih tinggi lho
sampai gapai 98%! Pikirkan saja begitu gacornya permainan mereka dan akan seberuntung apa
pemain yang main di slots Spadegaming ini.
3. Situs Slots Gacor Slot88
Siapa kembali yang tak mengetahui provider terunggul sekarang ?
Ya! dengan namanya, Slot88 jadi salah satunya penyuplai permainan judi slots online dapat dipercaya di Zaman ini.
Sampai waktu ini Slot88 terus merombak pada permainan slots gacor online terpilih
punyanya biar banyak penyuka slots tidak enteng jemu.
Slot88 akan semakin berkembang dan berkreasi lebih banyak
permainan slots yang bisa beradu dalam soal gacor.
Slot88 sendiri dikenal juga selaku satu diantara permainan slots dengan winrate paling tinggi, ialah RTP slots sebesar
97% yang bikin provider ini jadi sat pada banyak provider paling populer di di dunia taruhan online.
4. Situs Slots Gacor PG Soft
Apabila Kamu, selaku pelaku judi online slots yang pengin rasakan kesan main games
slots terunggul yang mewah, PG Soft dapat jadi alternatif yang super benar untuk Kamu.
Provider ini selainnya termasyhur dengan kegacoran punyanya, pula termasyhur dengan kreasi Mereka yang paling memberi kepuasan, baik mata, hati, sampai dompet si pemain dalam sekejap.
PG Soft sendiri sebagai satu diantaranya perusahaan permainan online jenis
judi yang semakin tumbuh meng ikuti abad
sampai waktu ini dengan menyiapkan beberapa jenis permainan slots yang bisa Kamu permainkan dengan online.
Meskipun banyak memiliki permainan yang memiliki kualitas bentuk berkualitas, permainan judi slots dari PG Soft sendiri tawarkan pun punya winrate yang sangatlah baik dengan RTP slots di
atas rerata 97%. Wajib banyak penggila slots coba intinya!
5. Situs Slots Gacor Habanero
Pengen cari permainan slots dengan nilai Jekpot Maxwin yang pedas?
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sebagai pengembang slots terpopuler di bermacam kelompok pemain judi sejati.
Mendapat ide dari cabai habanero yang pedas, provider judi slots gacor online paling dipercaya ini punyai misi yang
serupa juga, ialah tawarkan hadiah jekpot yang benar-benar pedas!
Apabila Kamu memainkan permainan slots online gacor terpilih punya Habanero
ini, karena itu Kamu telah ada di tangan yang aman serta dapat Kamu
yakin dengan seisi hati. Games dari Habanero sendiri tak ada
yang memengkalkan serta punya kekhasan feature masing-masing hingga dapat memberinya kehebohan yang memberikan kepuasan buat banyak anggota
pada waktu bermain slots.
6. Situs Slots Online Microgaming
Cuman namanya yang miliki makna micro/kecil, akan tetapi sesungguhnya penawaran hadiah dari provider Microgaming ini akan bikin Kamu menganga waktu menyaksikan begitu besarnya!
Ditambah lagi provider ini sudah punyai lisensi sah dari instansi pengawas permainan judi yang membuat lebih
bisa banyak slotter mempercayakan.
Agen slots gacor online ini hari punyai banyak koleksi yang mampu datangkan maxwin besar.
Pelbagai ragam games, kesan, sampai spesifikasi antik dapat
temani Kamu maka tidak akan suntuk main di slots Microgaming.
Telah siapkah Kamu untuk mendapati kemenangan jekpot maxwin bersama Microgaming?
7. Situs Slots Online CQ9
Sukai dengan permainan slots yang miliki objek oriental?
CQ9 punya begitu banyak permainan slots online gacor dapat dipercaya yang bertopik begitu.
Akan tetapi Kamu tidak bisa tertipu dengan topik classic provider CQ9
ini sebab mereka miliki kemenangan jekpot yang lebih besar.
Mempunyai beberapa ratus anggota club pengembang, CQ9 terus pastikan kwalitas
dan kesegaran games slots gacor ringan menang
mereka selalu berikan yang terunggul buat si pemain. Oleh karenanya,
seluruh games provider ini dapat Kamu akses dari manapun serta setiap waktu di Netbook, Computer
sampai Gadget Kamu dengan begitu ringan karena kejujuran klub pengembang CQ9 ini.
8. Situs Slots Online Joker123
Joker123 atau umum dikenal juga dengan Joker Gaming ini pula
sebagai satu diantara provider paling Kami referensi pun. Argumen kami mereferensikan provider ini cukup sederhana saja.
Winrate Tinggi! Siapakah yang tidak pingin main permainan yang enteng buat mereka
Joker123 sendiri mempunyai beberapa ratus
kumpulan game slots gacor online terakhir yang bisa banyak pencinta slots rasakan dengan saksama tidak adanya hambatan apa saja
pada web Slot88 ini. Kecuali permainan slots,
Joker123 sendiri pun unggul di macam permainan taruhan online yang lain seperti permainan tembak ikan yang heboh dan membahagiakan.
9. Situs Slots Online Playstar
Provider Playstar sudah menunjukkan keistimewaan diri mereka sehabis sejak mereka keluarkan permainan yang sangat
bagus perhatian slotter untuk kini, yaitu permainan Mahjong Ways 3 dan Mahjong
Ways 3+. Siapakah yang tak mengetahui permainan slots online bisa dipercaya dengan obyek mahjong ini yang bisa membawa jekpot besar untuk pemainnya?
Semuanya ini memang diawali oleh provider tetangga, akan tetapi
Playstar pun pasti tidak pingin kalah dan meneruskan peninggalan permainan mahjong ini.
Kecuali games mahjong itu, Playstar pun miliki begitu banyak permainan yang bisa
beberapa slotter akses secara mudah. Tentu permainan provider ini lainnya punya winrate yang
lebih tinggi maka lumayan kuat untuk dijadikan selaku rival
slots mahjong terkini ini.
10. Situs Slots Online Hebat Mode Gaming
Provider Hebat Tren Gaming pun tidak dapat Kamu pikirkan bila yang
Kita bahas merupakan situs slots gacor online paling dipercaya.
Semuanya sudah pasti kenal provider slots ini karena
telah tenar untuk menyiapkan permainan dengan ragam terunik yang pernah sebelumnya ada.
Seluruh objek yang Luar biasa Mode Gamin atau singkatannya TTG, menawarkan pula benar-benar menarik serta bereksperimen.
Kalau Kamu pernah merasakan ketidaktahuan saat menentukan permainan slots online gacor bisa dipercaya yang
bisa Kamu utamakan, Kampiun Mode Gaming sebagai satu diantara dari banyak provider yang aman untuk Kamu tentukan. Karena permainan ini tidak pernah memengkalkan banyak pengagum slotnya serta terus menjajakan kemenangan yang memikat dan pastilah memberi keuntungan.
Bocoran Slots Gacor Admin Jarwo Teranyar
Tentunya harus ada bocoran slots gacor online dari Admin Jarwo
yang terakhir buat temani beberapa slotter bermain. Lantaran hanya cukup ketahui mana saja blog judi slots yang Kami referensikan belum lumayan buat menaikkan kesempatan Jekpot maxwin secara berarti.
Adanya bocoran slots online gacor terkini serta paling dipercaya inilah, beberapa slotter di Indonesia dapat mempertingkat kemungkinan meraih kemenangan kemenangan besar sebetulnya terjadi.
Tentu ada banyak provider slots yang menjajakan games serba gacor.
Tetapi Kami cuma akan membicarakan beberapa saja yang bakal sungguh-sungguh menolong Kamu dalam memperoleh jekpot.
Info ini berasal secara langsung dari sumber bisa dipercaya, yaitu Admin Jarwo sendiri,
jadi seseorang admin orang dalam kantor pusat taruhan online di
Indonesia. Ini lah bocoran slots gacor ini hari yang
dapat membuat Kamu enteng menang.
1. Bocoran Slots Gacor Gates Of Olympus
Sama seperti yang telah Kita kenali kalau
permainan slots yang mengendalikan dunia slots gacor
online ini hari ialah Gates Of Olympus. Ya slots kakek zeus keluaran Pragmatic Play
ini punya beberapa senjata yang mampu mengakibatkan si pemain slots
tergirang-girang. Dikarenakan guntur kerasnya ini dapat
menghadirkan kemenangan jekpot maxwin sampai x5000 dari jumlahnya taruhan awalnya si pemain.
Feature penyebab kehadiran maxwin di slots zeus ini cukup simpel buat Kamu
raih lantaran di permainan slots berikut mempunyai spek buyspin. Dengan dapat beli spin gratis, si pencinta slots online gacor ini jadi
punya potensi mendapat feature pengali dengan cepat dan mudah.
Spek pengali pada slots ini pun tidak tanggung-tanggung dalam memberikan perkalian sebab bisa menggapai x500 lho.
Murah Jekpot kan? Karena itu coba saat ini games slots Olympus ini di blog judi
online paling dipercaya Kami serta merasai kesan menggelegarnya!
2. Bocoran Slots Gacor Mahjong Ways 2
Kamu pengagumnya slots online gacor PG Soft?
Jadi games slots amat tepat untuk Kamu ialah Mahjong Ways 2.
Games ini punyai rancangan grafis, animasi, serta
musik super menarik hingga dapat membikin situasi main semakin nyaman.
Tidak itu saja, permainan ini di melengkapi dengan sejumlah spesifikasi yang dapat datangkan hoki banyak lho.
Beberapa feature yang Kami tujuan yaitu spesifikasi WILD serta feature Freespin. Tiap ikon punya
potensi punya versus emasnya yang jikalau sukses Kamu menangi karena itu lambang itu
bakal berganti menjadi ikon Wild yang punya potensi
memberinya Kamu kemenangan berturut-turut.
Setelah itu juga ada spesifikasi Freespin yang dapat Kamu temukan seusai memperoleh 4 biji ikon Scatter.
Feature Freespin di permainan slots gacor online enteng menang
ini membawa begitu banyak ikon WILD yang tentu dapat membuat Kamu menang jekpot dengan perputaran gratis itu.
3. Bocoran Slots Gacor Gates Of Gatot Kaca
Games slots Gates Of Gatot Kaca dari Pragmatic Play
sekarang lagi repot mengundang banyak pemain slots dengan gunakan spek serta diagramnya yang serupa slotzeusyang tenar tersebut.
Tidak cuma itu, nyatanya winrate yang slots Gatot Kaca ini punya pun nyaris mirip slots olympus lho.
Percaya tidak ingin cobainya?
Spek yang permainan judi slots online gacor paling dipercaya ini menawarkan pula sebagian besar mirip
Gates Of Olympus. Mulai dengan spek perkalian sampai x500nya s/d feature yang membiarkan pemain untuk beli spin gratis.
Tapi benar-benar di menyayangkan karena games slots Gatot Kaca cuman miliki maxwin x4000 dari bettingan awalan pemain, lebih rendah dari slots zeus.
4. Bocoran Slots Gacor Koi Gates
Untuk Kamu penyuka mengintai promosi dari web-site judi slots sah, jadi
Koi Gates akan jadi perbekalan pokok Kamu. Permainan bertajuk
ikan Koi ini berasa sederhana serta enjoy. Tetapi kebolehan gacor
dari slots ini tak bisa Kamu meremehkan. Dengan menjejerkan 3
ikan koi dengan berderet, Kamu bakal mencapai kemenangan yang
mengesankan dan isi penuh dompet Kamu.
Di kenali jika website judi sah kerap mengadakan even buat
games slots gacor online maxwin Koi Gates dari Habanero ini.
Even ini umumnya bersyarat untuk membidik deretan 3 ikan Koi yang setelah itu dapat Kamu pakai buat mendapat bonus tambahan dari
web judi slots dapat dipercaya itu. Mari coba peruntungan Kamu
bersama ikan Koi ini!
5. Bocoran Slots Gacor Starlight Princess
Siapakah yang tidak mengetahui Starlight Princess, games
tenar dari Pragmatic Play ini? Tuan putri yang tidak sekedar elok ini,
akan tetapi penderma telah tersohor oleh bermacam kelompok slotter
sebab dapat datangkan peruntungan dan rizki
yang benar-benar beringas jumlah.
Feature pokok pencipta games judi slots online dapat
dipercaya, Starlight Princess ini sesungguhnya yakni pengalinya yang
besar sekali hingga dapat menciptakan kemenangan jekpot maxwin terhadap pemainnya.
Tak cuma itu, Kamu juga dapat beli spin gratis pun yang cuman akan menambah
kecepatan maxwin Kamu lho. Tidak ada ruginya dech bermain bersama Starlight
Princess, apa lagi bersama situs Slot88 dapat dipercaya Kami!
6. Bocoran Slots Gacor Mahjong Ways 3
Kamu sebelumnya pernah main slots Mahjong Ways dari PG Soft, jadi Kamu akan mengenali slots
gacor online terkini Mahjong Ways 3 ini. Walau bukanlah
PG soft yang ambil langkah buat meningkatkan permainan ini, namun Playstar,
tetap juga permainan ini dapat menghadirkan kemenangan fenomenal
untuk beberapa pemain slots sejati.
Dari sisi spesifikasi yang permainan slots mahjong ini menawarkan, berasa cukup membahagiakan dan punya potensi memberi
kemenangan mengagumkan. Bahkan juga Kamu bisa juga beli buyspin agar selekasnya masuk
fase freespin serta mencapai kemungkinan kemenangan yang lebih besar di games slots Mahjong Ways 3 ini.
7. Bocoran Slots Gacor Wild Bandito
Wajarnya Kita mau menjauh diri {} yang bernama Perampok, akan tetapi bukan untuk waktu ini lantaran Wild Bandito dari PG
Soft telah siap memberi kemenangan fenomenal untuk Kamu!
Siapa kira secara main bersama perampok, Kamu akan mendapatkan keuntungan jekpot yang oke.
Wild Bandito punya beberapa spek antik yang bisa menolong
beberapa pemain buat mendapati kemenangan yang lebih besar.
Akan tetapi yang paling menonjol perhatian yakni spesifikasi perkaliannya yang dapat Kamu temukan setiap saat sukses mendapat kemenangan dengan berturut-turut.
Ditambah lagi asalkan Kamu masuk spek Freespin permainan slots online gacor enteng menang ini, spek perkaliannya semakin lebih tahan lama yang lantas sebabkan kemenangan Kamu makin menimbun! Udah siapkah
Kamu jadi hartawan bersama Wild Bandito di web sah Slot88 ini?
6 Trik Terbaik Bermain Slots Gacor Hari Ini
Jumlah perjudian slots gacor ini hari sudah membikin beberapa pemain makin lama kian pusing untuk pilih permainan sangat cocok buat mereka.
Tapi sebetulnya bukanlah soal itu lah yang perlu mereka cemaskan.kuatirkan. Namun, mereka harus mempertingkat mutu style
main mereka supaya dapat dengan bebas main di games slots taruhan online mana saja.
Dengan begitu, beberapa cara dan tehnik main judi slots lantas
ikut berkembang seiring bersamanya waktu. Pastinya Kami pun punyai
cara-cara terbaik buat Kamu untuk main di blog judi slots gacor online
Kami. Dengan kontribusi Admin Jarwo, Kami dapat menghimpun 6
metode terhebat di saat main permainan slots berikut di bawah ini.
1. Pilih Permainan Slots Gacor Online Tenar
Dengan beberapa ratus sampai beberapa ribu permainan slots yang tersebarkan dalam hari ini,
Kamu yang pasti akan kebingungan buat menunjuk permainan mana-mana yang bisa jadi unggulan penhasil keuntungan Kamu.
Perihal itu sesungguhnya cukup ringan untuk Kamu tangani
saja lho. Metode menanganinya yaitu dengan menunjuk permainan sangat
populer di golongan pemain judi slots online paling dipercaya saat ini.
Argumen sesuatu permainan slots itu dapat sukses
serta populer sudah tentu lantaran winratenya yang lebih tinggi serta
hadiahnya yang lebih besar. Akan tetapi asalkan Kamu masih tidak tahu,Kamu dapat memutuskan permainan yang situs slot88 referensikan tersebut
Slots Gacor Maxwin Gates Of Olympus
Slots Gacor Ringan Menang Starlight Princess
Slots Gacor Teranyar Mahjong Ways 2
Slots Gacor Paling dipercaya Koi Gates
Slots Gacor Malam Ini Wild Bandito
2. Main Saat Permainan RTP Slots Online Tengah Tinggi
Sebuah perihal yang dapat bikin sebuah permainan slots online gacor mudah menang jadi lebih gacor ialah kenaikan nilai RTP slots punya slots itu.
Jika Kamu pengin mendapati kemenangan jekpot yang makin lebih ringan, jadi Kamu mesti menggunakan peristiwa RTP slots
dari permainan slots opsi Kamu gapai perbandingan yang cukup tinggi.
Karena itu, kesempatan Kamu buat mendapat jekpot maxwin dari taruhan online slots itu dapat bertambah dengan sangat cepat.
3. Urus Modal Dengan Baik
Apabila Kamu ingin memperoleh kemenangan yang lebih besar di
saat main slots gacor online dapat dipercaya, karenanya hal yang
wajib Kamu melakukan menjadi pemain slots yaitu mengontrol serta mengatur modal
Kamu secara baik. Masalah itu akan membantu Kamu buat mendapati Jekpot Maxwin.
Kunci dari pengendalian modal yang bagus
ialah bermain-main dengan bet sesuai sama potensi Kamu.
Berarti Kamu mesti mengontrol modal Kamu secara
main di bawah harapan kemenangan Kamu. Karena itu modal kamu
dapat menjadi tahan lama dan Jekpot Maxwin bakal bertambah merapat.
Dengan begitu, semua bettingan yang Kamu permainkan bakal
ikut kembali bersama-sama keuntungan hadiah Jekpot Fantastis!
4. Tak boleh Dulunya pernah Emosional
Dengan memainkan permainan slots, Kamu sebetulnya amat di pantangkan buat bermain gunakan emosi Kamu.
Karena bermain-main dengan emosi, cuman akan jadi memperburuk kondisi.
Menurut penelitian Admin Jarwo, 86% pejudi yang emosional akan alami kerungkatan. Perihal itu pastinya tidak pingin Kamu mengalami donk?
Oleh karenanya, beberapa pemain slots gacor online yang mengidamkan hadiah jekpot dari
games slots mesti waspada dengan emosi mereka masing-masing.
Tetapi tak perlu panik karena soal itu dapat Kamu latih
secara main di slots yang bervarian gratis atau versus demonya.
5. Siapkan Tujuan Keuntungan
Nach, seandainya Kamu telah sukses meng ikuti
sejumlah hal di atas secara baik, karenanya metode
setelah itu saat bermain slots gacor online yakni memutuskan tujuan keuntungan Kamu saat
sebelum main. Ya serius! Kamu harus membataskan keuntungan Kamu pun lho.
Menurut evaluasi Admin Jarwo, pemain yang tak henti bermain seusai memperoleh
jekpot maxwinnya 68% bakal alami kekalahan berturutan yang di karenakan oleh
psikologi mereka.
Biar hal itu tidak berlangsung pada Kamu, Kamu dapat memutuskan obyek keuntungan sama
sesuai kapabilitas modal yang terdapat. Apabila sudah
menggapai sasaran itu, jadi sangatlah di rekomendasikan buat istirahat sementara untuk buat beri kesegaran ingatan.
Karena itu , Kamu bakal terlepas sama yang di namakan bermain dengan emosional.
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By Sultan Anshori GIANYAR, Indonesia, Dec 29 (Reuters) – For Balinese souvenir
shop owner I Kadek Rai Nama Rupat, the past two years during the COVID-19 pandemic have been a fight for survival. The pandemic has
prevented the foreign tourists that usually throng businesses like his on the Indonesian resort island from coming
and rising food prices have compounded the economic pain. But a
local non-profit group is offering help by exchanging rice for plastic trash that is
then sold to a recycling company. “Every piece of plastic waste is very valuable for the villagers today and for our economy,” said Rupat, who exchanged about four kg (9.5
pounds) of plastic for one kg of rice. Rice costs about 15,000-20,000 rupiah ($1.05-1.40) per kg and locals estimate
a family of four consumes about two kg per day of the staple,
so the trade-in is worth the effort. The Bali Plastic Exchange was founded in May last year by I Made Janur Yasa, who like many Balinese
saw his main business running a vegan restaurant hit hard by the
pandemic. The 55-year-old said the driving force behind his project was a desire to feed
communities in his home province in Bali and to improve the environment. Indonesia is the
world’s second biggest contributor of plastic pollutants in the oceans,
according to a 2019 study published in the journal Science. There’s no limit
on how much plastic waste a person can bring in, though organisers encourage
people to collect trash from their own neighbourhoods. After spreading via word of mouth, the initiative had helped support about 40,
000 families in 200 villages, while recycling nearly 600 tons (544
tonnes) of plastic waste, said Yasa. “This programme has been very well received by community members,” said Yasa, who hopes to expand it to other provinces in Indonesia.
(Writing by Masako Iijima/Joseph Campbell
Editing by Ed Davies and Michael Perry)